
The Police Mutual Benevolent Association was organized on May 1, 1893 and subsequently incorporated July 8, 1893. In its over 100 year history the constitution and by-laws have been amended and changed numerous times.

The present board of Administrators consists of 16 members, of which four are elected each year for a four-year term. 

Prior to the formation of the Police Mutual Benevolent Association (P.M.B.A) officers who needed assistance due to financial or health hardship had to depend on their popularity among their fellow officers. This would determine the amount of donations made to an individual.

The original objects and purposes for which this association was organized were declared to be charitable and benevolent, to create a fund for the relief of its members and their respective families, to care for the sick and alleviate the cares of the distressed.

After the formation of the P.M.B.A., all members were required to pay a monthly amount for dues and a monthly amount for assessments for deceased members not to exceed two for each month. 

Currently we have over 850 members (Active, Retired, and former members of the Department).